Future Prospects

The population of the species is likely to stay stable in the future. As the species had been listed as endangered, the commercial whaling stopped and the North Pacific Right Whale was protected in its own designated critical habitat. Though facing the threats of vessel strikes and entanglement, the species is well protected in its habitat and are not likely to be drastically impacted.
How can we maintain the balance?

At this point, the only viable option is to protect this species until their numbers increase significantly. The balance between people and the North Pacific Right Whale was so uneven during the previous two centuries that the only hope to prevent this species from being extinct is to find ways to protect them from current threats, which include vessel strikes and entanglement. The human benefits from the killing of these whales are not significant enough to allow the entire species to go instinct. The priority must be finding ways support the reproduction and growth of the North Pacific Right Whale population.